STEM preschool Castro Valley S.T.E.M. Sprouts Preschool science technology engineering math reggio emilia emergent

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About Sandra Turretta, founder.
Founder Sandra Turretta has always held an innate and infectious passion for teaching and learning, especially with young children. She loves to learn and discover right along with them!
Sandra received her undergraduate degree in Biology and minor in Chemistry. Later she went on to receive a Masters degree from USF in Teaching secondary school, with Science as the focus. In addition, she has completed her Early Childhood Education and Development courses, has completed countless workshops and trainings in early childhood STEM education venues, and has interned at reggio-inspired preschools. She is a big believer in ongoing education and will always stay up-to-date on current early education STEM techniques.
Over the years that Sandra has been working on this idea -- while completing her Masters and other early childhood classes, researching, visiting and interning at various preschools in the area, and as she researched and enrolled her own children in different preschool styles -- Sandra has come to appreciate different aspects of each preschool environment learning philosophy. She wanted to create a place that...
Nurtures the Whole Child -- ensuring each child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged
Lets the Children Discover and Learn About each of their Interests -- don't force subjects, but take their interests and expand on them
Approached through a S.T.E.M. Lens -- addressing the science/technology/engineering/math in the day to day activities and interests, which helps build that important foundation for the rest of their lives. So much research indicates that early childhood is where the beginnings of these concepts need to be internalized, as their brains are developing and pruning in this time period.
Important to note that Art is highly incorporated in this age group. It allows them to represent and access their knowledge in a tactile, hands-on way which is so necessary for this age, is essential to release creativity using many different material types and is also wonderful for small motor. It is an integral part of the curriculum.
Sandra has three children of her own, loves to explore and learn new things, and is a natural teacher. This new school has been a vision coming true of Sandra's, and she is so excited to share it with you and your child!

"This letter is to support the overall competency, professionalism and expertise of Sandra Turretta in the realm of an early childhood education. I am the former director of Wildwood Children’s School, and while I was in this capacity I had the pleasure of developing a professional relationship with Sandra. Sandra contacted me searching for a school to join as a volunteer. She alerted me that she was currently enrolled in ECE classes as well as in preparations for opening her own home-based preschool. Sandra was intrigued by our school’s philosophy of child-driven curriculum, nature and a deep respect for and belief in the competency of all young children. I immediately admired Sandra for her forefront nature in seeking out a school on her own. She told me she wished to be an informal intern—to observe teachers and children, to discuss goals and philosophy, and be part of setting that seemed to resemble her own developing philosophy.
When I met Sandra I was greeted by a warm, smiling face and an attitude of drive. Sandra immediately began integrating with the children, building relationships through play. They naturally took her to her energy, often being comforted during hard times. Sandra began to plan activities for children, beforehand or in the moment. Her language was thoughtful, intentional and respectful. Sandra also completed a detailed, educational observation of one child. Her thinking was clearly high level and displayed a comprehensive understanding of development.
I see Sandra as the highest quality early childhood educator, and would happily recommend any family to enroll in her school. She is respectful of children, competent in her knowledge, and an overall professional, organized and motivated educator."
Leah Bray, M.A.
Sandra Turretta, is about to launch STEM SPROUTS Preschool in Castro Valley! This venture is a win-win situation! If ever there is or was a more perfect match than Sandra with Children, it is yet to be known! ENTHUSIASM is Sandra’s middle name...her excitement in working with little ones is met with their excitement in beginning to explore their world! Sandra’s love for learning is contagious, and children get that, immediately!
On a more personal level, Sandra is a responsible, loving and kind person, who just happens to be an excellent teacher. She understands the natural curiosity of children, and her goal is to explore with them! I wholeheartedly recommend and encourage Sandra, as the teacher of your child!
Mary Gotelli
(retired teacher and friend of Sandra’s)